Annual Appropriation


This public hearing will be conducted by audio or video conference without a physically present quorum of the City of Harvey City Council because of a disaster declaration related to COVID-19 public health concerns affecting the City. Pursuant to Section 7(e)(2) of the Open Meetings Act, 5ILCS 120/7(e), the Mayor has determined that an in-person meeting at the City building with all participants is not practical or prudent because of the disaster. Physical public attendance at the City Hall may be limited or not feasible, so alternative arrangements for public access to hear the meeting are available by contacting Lilliana Gonzalez at 708-210-5338 for the Zoom Meeting link or call in phone number prior to 4:45 p.m. on December 21, 2020.

In accordance with the Open Meetings Act, the meeting will also be audio or video recorded and made available to the public, as provided by law. Members of the public who wish to comment during public comments may participate in public comment during the electronic meeting or they must submit their statement or question in writing to the Clerk’s office by 12:00 pm December 21, 2020. All properly submitted statements or question will be presented and read during the relevant portion of the meeting. Written comments may also be submitted by email to, or by mail to the City of Harvey, City Clerk’s Office, 15320 Broadway, Harvey, IL 60426; or via City’s drop box located on the North side of City Hall.

Notice is hereby given that on December 21, 2020, at 7:00 PM, a Public Hearing and Special Meeting will be held to consider the approval of the Annual Appropriations ordinance for the City of Harvey, Cook County, Illinois for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2020 and ending April 30 ,2021. A copy of Ordinance is available in the Clerk’s office for public inspection during business hours M-F 9 am to 5 pm or on the city website at /s/ Rosa M. Arambula Harvey – City Clerk – Mayor Christopher J. Clark.

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