Youth Sports
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Youth sports is alive and well in Harvey. A core social, educational and growth component for years, organizations like the Harvey Boxing Club, the little league baseball teams and the pee-wee football teams keep the Harvey’s children active and competitive on a national level.
Restoration Ministries’ Harvey Boxing Club
With more than 50 boys and girls participating in the club, this organization thrives on building esteem for youngsters and building confidence. “Better to sweat in the gym, than bleed in the streets” is the motto of the club, opened in 2002 as a part of gang prevention and youth development programs.
Practices are Monday through Saturday, and include extensive conditioning and cardiovascular training. Kids run three miles, as well as 100-yard and 50-yard sprints.
Locals like Jose Arambula have even gained a ranking as the No. 3 boxer in the nation in his weight class. Arambula attended Coolidge Middle School at that time.
The club is located at 15331 Broadway. For more information on the Harvey Boxing Club, please call 708-333-8353.
Harvey Little League
15017 Center Ave
Harvey Colts
Local Pee-Wee Football Team
Harvey Twisters
Local Wrestling Team
708-331-9419 (phone)
708-333-4888 (fax)