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Christopher J. Clark
- 15230 Broadway, Harvey, IL 60426

Remona Simpson
Executive Assistant
- (708) 210-2300
- 15230 Broadway, Harvey, IL 60426

Corean Davis
City Administrator
- 15230 Broadway, Harvey, IL 60426

Chandralyn Ellis
Deputy City Administrator
- 15230 Broadway, Harvey, IL 60426
Working in concert with the Clerk’s and Treasurer’s Offices, the Mayor of Harvey, Christopher J. Clark, serves as the City’s chief executive officer, responsible for the administration, direction and implementation of all city services and functions. All city services are administered by eleven City departments, led by appointed department heads, under the direction of the Mayor.
The Mayor presides over City Council meetings and can vote in the event of a tie. Residents of the City of Harvey are represented by six elected Aldermen, one for each ward. Each Alderman serves as the voting members of the City Council, voting on all City ordinances and resolutions. All resolutions and ordinances are prepared and presented by the City Clerk. The Mayor must approve or veto all ordinances passed by the City Council and has the power to veto whole ordinances or parts of appropriations bills.
The Mayor appoints members of City boards and commissions, such as the Planning and Zoning Board.