Fire Department
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Howard Fisher
FIRE Chief
- 708-331-7720
- 708-990-8718
- 15600 Center Ave, Harvey, IL 60426

Henry Boyd
Deputy Chief
- 708-331-7720
- 708-990-9065
- 15600 Center Ave, Harvey, IL 60426

The Harvey Fire Department administration consists of the Fire Chief, Deputy Fire Chief and an Administrative Assistant/Executive Secretary. Collectively they are responsible for all aspects of the Fire Department with the Fire Chief being the head of the entire Department.
Our mission is to efficiently and effectively respond to fire and rescue incidents; whether they be man-made or naturally occurring. We provide services that protect and preserve the life and property of the citizens and visitors of the community and surrounding areas.
The Harvey Fire Department’s Administration office is located at 15600 Center Ave (south end) and operates Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Any and all information concerning the Fire Department can be obtained at this office during business hours. We can also be reached by telephone at (708) 331-7720.
Fire Stations:
We currently have (3) active Fire Stations with a third to be re-opened shortly.
Station #1 15600 Center Ave
Station#2 14651 Vincennes
Station#3 15248 Robey
Fire Suppression & Rescue Services
This is the Operational part of our Department as it relates to responding to Fire and all other Emergencies. We currently have Auto-Aid agreements which gives us additional support when responding to Structure Fires or larger scale incidents. When the Public calls, we respond. We are also responsible for Fire Protection for the Village of Dixmoor.
Fire Prevention Bureau/Inspectional Services
Fire Prevention Bureau
Our Fire Prevention Bureau is responsible for educating the public. Our motto is “an Ounce of Prevention is worth a Pound of Cure”. We offer these educational services by attending special events throughout the City including safety fairs, health fairs, block clubs and business invitations. In addition to offering station tours, we also perform presentations for schools, churches, day cares and community organizations.
Inspectional Services
In conjunction with the Building and Planning Department we conduct Business inspections to identify Fire hazards and ensure that Businesses are up to code and compliant, thus being safe for customers and patrons.
Our division will also conduct residential inspections upon request to educate home owners on Fire safety, escape plans, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors and any other information we deem beneficial for a safer environment.
Community Outreach
Our Department as a whole is committed to Community Outreach, and our signature program demonstrates this.
Project Install
The Harvey Fire Department wants every citizen of this Community to have at least one working smoke alarm in their home. If you DO NOT have a working smoke alarm and are not able to afford one, the Fire Department will provide and install one free of charge. For more information or to set up an appointment for installation, please call 708-331-7720 and ask about our “Project Install” free smoke alarm program. IT COULD SAVE A LIFE!!!!!!