Government & Departments
- Government & Departments
- Elected Officials
- Boards Commissions and Committees
- Building Department
- City Organizational Structure
- Commuter Parking
- Events
- Fire Department
- Economic Development Information
- Human Resources Department
- Local Government
- Municipal Courts
- Police Department
- Public Works Department
- Department of Revenue
- Water Department

General Information
The City of Harvey is a home rule municipality located in Cook County, Illinois with a population of nearly 21,000. The City of Harvey operates as an incorporated City as set forth in the Illinois Revised Statutes, and as a general purpose unit of local government as provided for in the Constitution of the State of Illinois. The underlying purpose of the City is to assure the health, safety and welfare of its residents.
The City of Harvey has an annual operating budget of $38,000,000.00 (FYE 2014) and employs approximately 204 full-time employees and 29 part-time employees who provide a variety of key city services to the residents of Harvey.
The primary location for city services is the Harvey Municipal Building, or City Hall, which is located at 15320 Broadway, Harvey, IL. Located in City Hall are the Mayor’s Office, City Clerk’s Office, Treasurer’s Office, Finance Department, Planning Department and Water Department.
- The Police Department is located at 15301 Dixie Highway, and maintains the 911 dispatch center, administrative offices and a holding facility.
- The Fire Department has several locations, with the primary station that houses administrative offices located at 15600 Center. Other fire station locations include 14651 Vincennes and 15248 Robey.
- The Street Department’s administrative offices are located at 110 W. 159th Street and the City’s garage/maintenance facility is housed there as well.
- The Pumping Station is located at 51 W. 149th Street and maintains the water testing/treatment equipment in this facility.
A list of employees making over either $75,000.00 or $150,000.00 per year is posted at City Hall (east entrance) as required under 5 ILCS 120/7.3.