Birth Records
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Birth certificates are available for any person who was born within the city limits of Harvey or at Ingalls Memorial Hospital in Harvey.
How to Obtain Birth Certificates
Birth records are not public records and only the following are entitled to receive certified copies:
- Person named on the record if 18 years of age or older
- Parent(s) shown on the record
- Legal guardian or legal representative of the child. Written evidence or guardianship or legal representation is required.
A person requesting a birth certificate must fill out a Birth Record Application and show TWO current, valid, and readable forms of identification. One current Photo I.D and one Non-Photo I.D required. Unreadable or expired identification will not be accepted.
Following is a list of acceptable forms of identification:
   Photo ID:
- Illinois Driver’s License
- Illinois State Identification Card
- Out-of-state Driver’s License or State Identification Card (with one additional piece of mail that shows name and current address)
- U.S. government Driver’s License
- Passport
- Permanent resident card
- Matricula card issued after October 2006
  Non-Photo I.D:
- Medical/Car Insurance ard
- Car/Voter’s Registration
- Credit Card/Bank Statement
- Paycheck stub with imprinted information
- Public Assistance Card
- Active duty military ID with issued and expiration dates
- $17.00 for each certified copy of a birth record.
- $6.00 for each additional copy of the same record.
   *Cash (in person only), money orders, and credit cards are only accepted—no personal checks.
How to Submit Applications
In-person: Harvey City Hall, 15320 Broadway Avenue, Harvey, IL 60426.
By Mail: Requests made by mail require two copies of current valid acceptable identification, money order payable to The City of Harvey, and paid return postage. (Any missing documentation will make the request invalid, thus delaying the request) – No cash or personal checks.
Other Birth Record Forms
Additional forms listed below are available at the Clerk’s Office. The forms are submitted to and processed through the state.
- Birth Correction
- Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity
- Voluntary Denial of Paternity