Vehicle Stickers
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It’s required by law that all vehicles located in the City of Harvey display a vehicle sticker at all times. This includes any public street or highway within the City. Stickers must be displayed on any motor vehicle that is not in use but is kept or stored within the City. Leased and company-owned vehicles also are required to have vehicle stickers.
Residents can purchase vehicle stickers at:
Harvey City Hall
15320 Broadway Ave.
Harvey, IL 60426
Monday through Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Vehicle Registration is required at purchase.
Vehicle stickers for the New Year are available for purchase starting December 1. Late fees are charged after February 15. (See Late Fee section)
Vehicle stickers for the New Year are available for purchase starting December 1. Late fees are charged after February 15. (See Late Fee section)
Passenger Vehicles: $35
Senior Citizens Age 65+: $6 * 65 before the first day of January
Handicap: $15 *Only Disability Plates. Hanging placard will not be honored.
Motorbike: $40
Limousine: $100
Motor Bus: $120.00
Dealer Plates: $100.00 for the first, $50.00 for each additional needed
Trucks: Prices differ depending on type of License Class
B Plates: $65.00
D Plates: $85.00
F Plates: $100.00
H Plates: $126.00
J Plates: $142.00
K Plates: $158.00
L Plates: $174.00
N Plates: $190.00
P Plates: $210.00
Q Plates: $220.00
R Plates: $230.00
S Plates: $270.00
T Plates: $286.00
V Plates: $322.00
X Plates: $338.00
Z Plates: $354.00
RV Plates: $50.00
Disabled Veterans “IS” or “DV” Plates Only: May receive a discount
Late Fees
An additional $15 late fee will be charged after February 15.
New Vehicles
Residents who purchase a new vehicle after the deadline have 30 Days from the date of sale to purchase a vehicle sticker at the regular rate; otherwise a penalty will apply.
New Residents
New residents have 30 days from the date of residency to purchase a vehicle sticker at the regular rate; otherwise a penalty will apply. Proof of Bill of Sale, Lease and/or Mortgage papers required at purchase.
Lost, Damaged, Stolen Stickers
Any resident that has had their sticker lost, damaged, or stolen are required to bring the following:
- Proof of Purchase
- Police Report
- ID
- Completed and Notarized Affidavit Form available at the City Clerk’s Office
- $10 replacement fee (no personal checks accepted)
*Any missing documentation will make the request in-valid.