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To make voting registration quick and easy, please use the Illinois Online Voter Application Not sure if you’re already registered? This online tool can assist you to check!
In-Person Registration
Residents can register to vote in person
Monday through Friday
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Harvey City Hall
City Clerk’s Office
15320 Broadway Ave
Harvey, IL 60426
If you have any questions, please contact the Harvey City Clerk’s Office at (708) 210-5330.
Identification Needed When Registering in Person
If registering to vote in person, residents must display two pieces of identification. Neither needs to be a photo ID, but one must include a current address. Acceptable forms of ID include:
- Illinois Driver’s License
- Illinois State ID
- Employee or Student ID
- Credit Card
- Social Security Card
- Birth Certificate
- Utility Bill in Applicant’s Name
- Mail Postmarked to the Applicant
- Valid U.S. Passport
- Lease or Rental Contract
Cook County Voter Registration by Mail
Cook County provides applications to register by mail in six languages.
Visit the Cook County Clerk’s website for information on overseas and military registration.