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Richard Seput​
- (708)-210-5403
- RSeput@cityofharveyil.gov
- 110 W. 159th Street in Harvey Illinois
The Public Works Department’s division of Streets and Sanitation is located at 110 W. 159th Street in Harvey Illinois. Office hours are 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday (by appointment only). Our office can be reached at (708) 210-5403.Â
Richard Seput serves as Superintendent, with Crystal Richardson in the position of Assistant Superintendent.
A staff member is available to assist with any/all resident concerns and complaints, seasonal requests such as street sweeping and snow removal and all other departmental related issues. For all emergencies occurring after normal business hours, please contact our emergency line at 708-475-2248.
To report illegal dumping, you may contact the Harvey Police Department’s non-emergency line at
(708) 825-1396. For your safety, please do not approach or confront anyone regarding illegal dumping.
Obtaining a brief description (color, make and model) of the vehicle and/or a license plate number is sufficient to make a report.
The City of Harvey Street Department is responsible for the repair and maintenance of all streets, alleyways and vacant lots throughout the City. The Street Department does not provide garbage containers.
Garbage Containers
Containers are provided by Republic Disposal, 708-385-8252. Residents should contact Republic Disposal directly to secure garbage containers.
Recycling Containers
Containers for recycling are $37.50 each and available for at the Harvey Municipal Center (15320 Broadway). The containers will be delivered by the Street Department following confirmation of purchase.
Yard Waste (April 1st – December 1st)
Yard waste pick up will resume on April 1. Grass clippings are to be bagged in recyclable bags. All twigs and branches are to be bundled with twine and placed in front of your property on the same day as your regularly scheduled garbage pick up. Bundles should be no larger than 4 feet x 4 feet.
Contact Number