Garbage Service
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The City of Harvey has contracted Groen Waste to provide weekly trash collection for every residence in Harvey. It is from a single point in the alley or on a curb (if no alley is available).
Groen Waste is prohibited from entering private property to retrieve cans or trash. They will not be clearing vacant lots or illegally dumped trash.
For large household items, Groen will pick up one large item per week (chairs, table, bed, appliances, etc.). If you have small items to dispose of, you can place up to 10 plastic bags outside for pick-up. All bags must be closed properly and cannot to exceed forty 40 pounds.
If you do not know the trash collection day for your residence, please call the Harvey Street Department at 708-210-5304.
Garbage Containers
Containers (recycled) are $37.50 each. Residents may purchase containers at the Harvey Municipal Center (15320 Broadway). The containers will be delivered by the Street Department following confirmation of purchase.
Yard Waste Pick-Up (April 1 – December 1)
Yard waste pick-up resumes on April 1. Grass clippings should be bagged in biodegradable paper bags. No yard waste will be picked up in plastic bags.
All twigs and branches are to be bundled with twine and placed in front of your property on the same day as your regularly scheduled garbage pick-up.Bundles should be no larger than 4 feet x 4 feet. No bundles larger than 4 feet x 4 feet will be collected.
Do Your Part!
Don’t depend on someone else to pick up and clean up. Let’s work together to make a difference and do our part in helping to keep our City clean!
You can help provide an efficient trash collection service by making following these simple rules:
• Properly containing all trash, to keep animals from scattering trash, will help keep your trash collection area clean.
• Please do your part in helping keep our alleys clean by bagging or containerizing your trash.
• Please report illegal dumping. Littering and illegal dumping is a crime. If you see someone dumping illegally, please call the Harvey Police at 708-331-2131.