Owning/Renting Property
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All transfers of property within the City of Harvey require a City of Harvey Transfer Stamp and Point of Sale Inspection.
The downloadable City of Harvey Transfer Stamp and the City of Harvey Exempt Transfer Stamp packets provide you with all of the necessary information, requirements, and applications. If you have any questions, please call the City of Harvey Planning Department at 708.210.5346.
If any construction or rehab work is to be done on the transferred property, a Building Permit must be obtained. Please apply, in person, at the Harvey Planning Department: 15320 Broadway Avenue Harvey, IL 60426.
All contractors performing work within the City must also be licensed with the City of Harvey. Contractor’s License applications can be downloaded here.
The City of Harvey is governed by a “Landlord-Tenant Act.” The purpose of this ordinance is to allow the City to assist Landlords and Tenants with handling property maintenance issues and licensing landlords to operate their business. Contact the Planning Department at 708.210.5346 for more information.